Podcast Collaboration! 🎙️

Podcast Collaboration! 🎙️

Podcast Collaboration! 🎙️

It's always invigorating to share insights and engage with like-minded experts in the financial sphere. We recently had a golden opportunity to do just that. Indemo was featured on a podcast episode hosted by the eminent Digital Lending Association, Berlin. And what an enlightening session it was!

In this engaging discussion, we explored the topic of "Democratizing Discounted Debt Investments: What It Means & How It Works." Our Co-Founder and shareholder Paul Melamed, as well as CEO and Senior Partner of Aquarium Investments, had the privilege of sharing insights into this fascinating subject

🔊 Dive into the episode on these platforms:

A Quick Disclaimer: The content of this podcast is purely informational. Please do not interpret it as investment advice.

Spotlight on Digital Lending Association

For those unfamiliar, the Digital Lending Association plays a pivotal role in the evolving fintech landscape. They are champions of digital fintech lending as a sub-segment of private debt in Europe, fostering opportunities for both consumers and businesses to tap into alternative debt capital.

Digital lenders, under the aegis of the Association, are enhancing financing access and contributing to the EU Capital Market Union's growth. A testament to their commitment to transparency is their voluntary signatory status to the Transparent Civil Society initiative. This ensures openness in various organizational aspects, ranging from their constitution to key decision-makers and fund utilization.

The DLA is unwavering in its pursuit to strengthen Europe's digital financing and investment landscape. With endeavors such as:

  • Formulating industry standards
  • Representing the interests of stakeholders
  • Shedding light on digital lending's societal and economic impacts
  • Advocating for greater market transparency
  • Engaging in dialogues with key industry and political figures
  • Organizing hallmark events like the Digital Lending Summit and FINTICS
  • Publishing industry updates, like the Quarterly Briefing
  • Hosting enriching podcast discussions, notably "FINTICS" and "What’s up Digital Lending?"

The association's initiative to create industry standards, aimed at ensuring a consistent quality benchmark, speaks volumes about their commitment. It's not just about setting the bar high, but ensuring that it's met with rigor and commitment.

We're immensely thankful to Constantin Fabricius and the Digital Lending Association team for this remarkable collaboration. It's interactions like these that fortify our belief in the potential of finance and technology, working hand in hand.


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